We are a support group specificially for persons with depression and bipolar depression. Persons with other mental disorders are invited and encouraged to attend, as well. Family members, friends, and support persons are encouraged to attend, as well. Anyone with an interest in depression and bipolar disorder is invted and welcome to attend, also. South-West Oklahoma Depression Bipolar Support Alliance is a local affiliate of OKLAHOMA DBSA: www.okdbsa.org and NATIONAL DBSA: www.dbsalliance.org . GROUP ATTENDANCE IS FREE. Meetings are held by our members. Free literature is available at the meetings and you can visit with people who are recovering from depression or bipolar disorder. MEETING TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL US TO CONFIRM MEETING TIME AND DATE at (580) 483-4942 or info@dbsa-swok.org .
We've Been there, that's why we're here!